
Photographs and notes on the design and construction of a custom Rose Engine Ornamental Lathe & other wood turning stuff
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  1. What is a Rose Engine?. 9/8/08
  2. Rose Engine prototype & 2nd generation (main shop machine) photographs, notes. 3/29/09
  3. 3rd Generation mobile Rambling Rose Engine photographs, notes & gallery. 9/8/08
  4. Rose Engine gallery 2/28/09
  5. Presentations and Demonstrations for groups. 2/2/09
  6. Gallery of Wood Lathe turnings by Fred Connell.5/20/09
  7. Useful wood turning shop jigs. 3/25/09
  8. Downloads & plans 3/5/09

  9. Blacksmith & Mechanical Power Hammer 3/5/09

    Quicksand Cigar Box Guitar 10/27/15

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Rose Engine Rose Engine barleycorn design barley10.jpg 65x65 - 5.8k
E-mail: OrnamentalRoseEngine@ProtonMail.com
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Warning:    The process of woodturning involves the use of tools, machinery and materials which could cause injury or be a health hazard unless proper precautions are taken, including the wearing of appropriate protective equipment.

Terms of use:    The information on Rose Engines that is presented on this web site, all drawings and photographs are intended for the reader's private and personal use and may not be distributed or re-transmitted in any form without prior written permission from the author.

Only limited details are available and the projects have NOT been engineered by the author. Therefore, when you use the ideas for projects of your own, not for commercial use, you must develop your own details and plans and the safety and performance of your work is your responsibility.
Be safe,


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