Third Generation
Rambling Rose Engine

   Basic assemblies:
- design criteria
- spindle head
- chuck alignment adjusting spider
- index and phasing system
- rosette cam
- belt drive
- rubber assembly
- compound X-Y table
- cutter and motor
- lathe bed or table 9/8/08
- hand crank
   Rambling Rose Engine:
- RRE Plans & drawings
   Other Stuff:
- Rose Engine 1st & 2nd generation
- Demonstrations for groups.
- Wood Lathe works
- Shop jigs homemade
- Downloads & plans E-mail:

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Custom Rambling Rose Engine & Ornamental Lathe
Hand crank

The hand crank rotates in a 6" diameter circle which allows steady slow turning if necessary. The high count, high rise or sharp pointed cam lobes need to be turned very slow to produce a smooth cut. The actual cranking ratio is 9 turns of the crank to 1 turn of the spindle. One revolution per minute for the spindle is not uncommon.

A round belt is used to assure smooth vibration free cranking action. The crank is located at the mid point of the spindle head for convenient cranking motions. The tung oiled walnut handle rotates freely on the crank arm.

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