Third Generation
Rambling Rose Engine

   Basic assemblies:
- design criteria
- spindle head
- chuck alignment adjusting spider
- index and phasing system
- rosette cam
- belt drive
- rubber assembly
- compound X-Y table
- cutter and motor
- lathe bed or table 9/8/08
- hand crank
   Rambling Rose Engine:
- RRE Plans & drawings
   Other Stuff:
- Rose Engine 1st & 2nd generation
- Demonstrations for groups.
- Wood Lathe works
- Shop jigs homemade
- Downloads & plans E-mail:

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Custom Rambling Rose Engine & Ornamental Lathe
Headstock and Spindle

The headstock of the Rambling Rose Engine pivots on steel 60 degree points in brass sockets. Preload is adjustable. Plastic bearings assure long wear and minimum friction. The head can be locked in the central position for ornamental index work by a rod with a quick release ball joint fitting connected to the rear rubber rest.

The spindle has a 0.5" through hole for a drawbar and the spider has a #2 Morse Taper (MT-2). The chuck adjusting spider back and thread cutting timing belt drive gear are heat pressed fitted permanently on the spindle. The index wheel is secured by a set screw which controls the preload on the main spindle bearings.

We added 1/4" aluminum stiffner plates to each side of the web of the "I" beam headstock avoiding having to weld a custom headstock. This is a very stiff machine.

The back end of the spindle is 1" diameter with 12 threads per inch for the brass nut securing the cam(s).

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