Third Generation
Rambling Rose Engine

   Basic assemblies:
- design criteria
- spindle head
- chuck alignment adjusting spider
- index and phasing system
- rosette cam
- belt drive
- rubber assembly
- compound X-Y table
- cutter and motor
- lathe bed or table 9/8/08
- hand crank
   Rambling Rose Engine:
- RRE Plans & drawings
   Other Stuff:
- Rose Engine 1st & 2nd generation
- Demonstrations for groups.
- Wood Lathe works
- Shop jigs homemade
- Downloads & plans E-mail:

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Custom Rambling Rose Engine & Ornamental Lathe
X-Z Compound Table

The X-Z compound table was integrated into the structural frame or ways of the RRE, eliminating the need for a table. We used left hand acme thread lead screws so a clockwise turning of the adjusting wheel would result in normal machine tool movement of the compound tables. The 10 threads per inch count of the lead screws result in one complete turn moving the table 0.100 inches. The adjusting wheels have adjustable dials calibrated with 100 divisions per revolution. Each division will move the table 0.001 inch.

The round and square tool holders are mounted on a goose neck type of mounting to allow extended horizontal and vertical locations of the cutting tool, keeping the overall dimensions of the Rambling Rose Engine compact.

The ways are hardened and ground for accuracy and wear resistance and the tables have precision plastic bearings. Any length ways and lead screws could have been used for either the Z-axis or X-axis compound tables.

Note X-Y-Z-axes:
In metal working machine speak, when standing in front of the machine, the X-axis moves in a front to back direction, the Z-axis moves in a left to right direction along the main ways and the Y-axis moves in a up and down direction. We use this standard in this Rose Engine information.

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