The Hardinge D-59 X-Z compound is probably the highest quality X-Z compound for rose engine work. Eventhough, the compound works fine on the Hardinge lathe for which it was designed, unfortunately, the range of movement of each axis of the Hardinge D-59 compound is less than is required to make all cuts for some size work on a rose engine. Originally, I had been using the Hardinge D-59 compound directly bolted to the rose engine ways
To obtain the most flexible range of movement, required turning the X-Z compound 90 degrees to its normal postion. This meant the X-Z compound dials were located backwards for reading the cut diameter of the work. Normally, the Hardinge D-59 compound dials read directly for the X dimension and read the diameter, not the radius in the Z direction.
To best utilize the range of motion of a Hardinge d-59 compound for ornamental and rose engine work, adjustable ways are needed for the compound that are offset from the rose engine ways.
I fabricated ways for the Hardinge d-59 compound just like the original D-59 lathe ways. These compound ways can be adjusted different distances from the centerline of the rose engine ways for different sized work. Also, the compound ways can be adjusted to an angle to the centerline of the rose engine ways for taper work and still retain the X-Z movements. The Hardinge d-59 compound unit can now be located to make any angle cuts on any sized workpiece that will fit on this rose engine.
Adding adjustable ways for the Hardinge D-59 X-Z compound is a major improvement in the flexibiliy of this Rose Engine.